A smiling teacher assists a boy who is using a computer.

Free Learning Resources for Native American Heritage Month

October 31, 2022

Deepen your discussions around indigenous peoples of America with these resources.

Photo of a girl reading a book about the Aztecs

Free Learning Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15, 2021

Use these videos, articles, and activities to bring the achievements of Hispanic and Latino people into your classroom.

teens taking a picture with a phone

5 Videos That Get Teens Thinking Critically About Media

March 8, 2023

Use these videos and quick discussion activities to spark meaningful classroom conversations.

Student in a museum of African American history

Free Learning Resources for Black History Month (And Beyond)

January 27, 2023

Help learners celebrate Black history with these videos, lessons, podcasts, and more.

Projector in a classroom full of desks

Teachers' Essential Guide to Showing Movies and Videos in the Classroom

November 10, 2022

Support students' learning, and find the best video streaming sites for schools and classrooms.

Teen in a hoodie playing an online game on a computer.

How to Find Learning Opportunities in Video Games Kids and Teens Love

May 26, 2022

Resources to help you unlock the learning potential in popular games.

Student and teacher learning outdoors

Free Activities for Earth Day and Learning About the Environment

March 30, 2022

Lesson ideas and resources for teaching about the natural world and the impacts of climate change.

Students using computers in a classroom

Screen Time in School: Finding the Right Balance for Your Classroom

March 8, 2022

Kids are on screens more than ever. How can we make classroom screen time more meaningful?

Three kids learning in an outdoor garden, looking at plants

Offline and Off-Screen Activities for Minds-On Learning

January 20, 2022

Take learning offline with activities that engage kids in a variety of ways.