
Kid-friendly communication platform jazzes up virtual instruction

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Skills

Communication & Collaboration

Great for

Assessment, Classroom Management, Formative Assessment, Instructional Design, Instructional Strategies, Lesson Planning, Presentation

Price: Free, Paid
Platforms: Web, iPad

Pros: Teachers can design and deliver original or premade content through the site. Web integrations allow for a more interactive experience.

Cons: Designing quality content might be time-consuming, and paying for both the Pro version and marketplace lessons can get pricey.

Bottom Line: Share high-quality interactive lessons in a virtual classroom environment.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

Koala is an interactive virtual teaching or tutoring platform that can be used as an alternative to classroom instruction. Teachers can also use Koala to design lessons. You can begin your lessons with a warm-up using one of the many web integrations, such as Boom Learning or a Genially activity. From there, you can offer direct instruction by uploading files, slides, or multimedia content and explaining them to students. You can also engage kids in guided practice either by using one of the free or paid Marketplace activities or by designing your own content, where you can assess as students respond, collaborate, and ask questions. 

At any point, you can let kids take a brain break by opening up the Playground. There they can explore, customize their avatar, and collect rewards. At the end of the lesson, have kids collaborate on a Jamboard-style whiteboard by asking them to post a sticky note about what they learned during the lesson or a question for follow-up. Leave some time for questions and answers -- think Zoom, but more kid-friendly. Plus, since you can record the entire lesson, students who were absent can catch up on the content when time allows. Lastly, for one-on-one or small-group instruction, you can plan to go a bit more in-depth to provide extra support or extended learning activities.

To prevent confusion, teachers will want to spend time getting to know the platform and watching tutorials before attempting to engage with students at length. Since some of the content is slow to load, and teachers can't see exactly what's on each student's screen in real time, it's important to anticipate their actions and have a plan B in case of technical glitches.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

If teachers design engaging lessons and take advantage of the different web integrations, then kids will love the interactivity. Without thoughtful planning, however, students might feel stuck. 


Encourages teachers to think big in terms of combining components of effective instruction into a lesson that'll challenge students.


While it'll initially take some time to learn how the different tools and integrations work together, there are tons of opportunities to differentiate instruction.

Common Sense reviewer
Marianne Rogowski
Marianne Rogowski Instructional Technology Facilitator

Community Rating


My favorite part about the resource is the way in which students can go back and forth with slides and their edits stay saved automatically. For young kids, this is very helpful because if they forget something they could always go back to take another look at it! The only suggestion I would make is if if there is a way to retrieve information if it is accidentally erased.

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