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My Hero

Global community of storytellers share inspiring examples of humanity

Learning rating

Updated review coming soon
Editorial review by Common Sense Education

Community rating

Based on 1 review

Privacy rating

Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Skills

Arts, Character & SEL, Communication & Collaboration, Critical Thinking, English Language Arts, Social Studies

Great for


Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Community Rating

A global learning community platform designed to give students a voice and to collaborate with learners around the world

Overall, the website is easy to navigate. Signing up as a classroom teacher took less than 5 minutes. Before I can set up my classroom project or class code, the creators take time to confirm and approve your role at your school. I appreciate that step of security. The idea of creating learning groups and classroom projects is especially appealing. It appears much of the learning can be teacher-led and student-driven. I can't wait to show students the various ways in which they can share information with others. Another appealing aspect of the website is access to various tutorials, videos, and resources for implementation in the classroom. I found the lesson plans tab to be very helpful and I love that teachers may submit their own lesson plans. There is so much curated content for specific subjects and I can see dozens of ways to incorporate this website into my classroom for next year.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Unclear whether this product supports interactions between trusted users.
  • Unclear whether personal information can be displayed publicly.
  • Unclear whether user-created content is filtered for personal information before being made publicly visible.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Unclear whether this product provides processes to access and review user data.
  • Unclear whether this product provides processes to modify data for authorized users.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Unclear whether personal information are shared for third-party marketing.
  • Unclear whether this product displays traditional or contextual advertisements.
  • Unclear whether this product displays personalised advertising.

Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.

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