
Handy -- and free -- one-stop digital lesson planner saves time

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Great for

Instructional Design, Lesson Planning, Productivity

Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Pros: Track classroom schedules, lessons, and standards while easily embedding PDFs, links, and videos.

Cons: Lacks premade templates, so initial setup takes time.

Bottom Line: This platform simplifies lesson planning with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

Teachers can use Planboard to share lessons with substitute teachers or colleagues who teach the same subjects -- as well as with families -- for stronger communication. For ease of monitoring, the Standards Progression tool shows curriculum progress for each class as well as which standards have been covered. Lessons can also be viewed by days, weeks, or months as an overview when planning.

Once a lesson is created, PDFs can be printed or content shared digitally by using a direct link or by embedding a link into an outside website. This link allows you to share the lesson plan with anyone; the recipient doesn't have to create a Planboard account. Be sure to use the Android or iOS mobile app for on-the-go access.

Planboard is an organizational tool (website and app) for lesson planning and for tracking standards coverage. Start by creating a free account with Next, create color-coded subjects -- which can be further organized into sections if the subject is taught to more than one group, or class, of students. Then, add subjects to a schedule using a built-in calendar. Creating and organizing lessons is the final step. Templates are available, and editing tools allow teachers to embed videos/visuals and attach documents (including links to Google documents). A handy spot to list personal reminders and a calendar is an added bonus.

Additional features are well worth exploring after the basic setup is complete. Curriculum sets can be added to subjects; lessons can be copied, shifted, and exported for collaboration with other educators; and standards can be added to lessons. Teachers can sync Planboard with other apps from, including Markboard, Attendance, and Collaborate. Markboard helps teachers manage assessment, Attendance tracks student absences, and Collaborate is a comprehensive sharing tool. A premium Chalk Gold account integrates with Google Classroom and Calendar.

Planboard is a powerful tool for staying organized throughout the school year, allowing educators to focus on delivering content with ease. Schedules are highly customizable, which is great for teachers who are on a rotating schedule or a schedule that changes often. Viewing lessons from home can help students focus and prepare for the coming weeks, and sharing with families can strengthen parent-teacher communication.  

Setup initially takes time, but the help center offers videos and step-by-step guides. Planboard saves time in the long run and reduces the stress of managing class schedules and trying to keep lesson resources organized. Taking the hassle out of planning for teachers and the guesswork out of what content to expect for students is a win-win. Plus, the following year teachers can easily copy a previous semester to the new school year, make adjustments, and get lessons ready for their new classes.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Teachers can connect with students and parents while organizing lesson plans. The ability to embed videos and link to outside sources makes it easy to incorporate many different features into a single lesson.


Teachers can customize schedules and lessons while tracking standards coverage and student progress. Including voice, video, and pictures in student portfolios enhances student reflection on their learning.


Well-organized tutorial videos do an excellent job of walking teachers through the features and how to use them.

Common Sense reviewer
Sandy W.
Sandy W. Teacher

Community Rating

Great tool for the job

I would add that this website includes a fairly tedious set-up as you have to build the whole thing - your lessons, your curriculum, your student lists, and assessments and I find it is annoying that if I move a student from one class to another their ENTIRE data is erased. Since using this website I have introduced it to my colleagues and among my network.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Personal information can be displayed publicly.
  • User-created content is not filtered for personal information before being made publicly visible.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.
  • Processes to modify data are available for authorized users.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Unclear whether personal information are shared for third-party marketing.
  • Unclear whether this product displays traditional or contextual advertisements.
  • Unclear whether this product displays personalised advertising.

Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.

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