Preschool Data Toolbox App: Product Image

Preschool Data Toolbox

Flexible graphing tool for preschoolers to analyze real-world data

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense


Price: Free
Platforms: iPad

Pros: Enough structure to get teachers up and running quickly.

Cons: No option for sharing what students create or for exporting graphs out of the app.

Bottom Line: This tool promotes curiosity by making data gathering, representation, and analysis possible for preschoolers.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

Use Preschool Data Toolbox to help preschoolers practice and experiment hands-on with computational thinking, problem-solving, communication, and inquiry. Teachers can choose from the investigation questions about feelings, food, or clothing included in the app, or choose to create their own "investigation." 

Then the teacher can walk students through choosing a question, selecting categories, and collecting and graphing their data. The app is meant for the educator to use on a singular iPad with the help of their students' input. In that case, it would work best for small-group instruction where each student can see the screen and have an active role in the teacher's button selections. Most important, teachers should lead students through the discussion questions for analysis and reflection. 

If the students are using the app on their own, they may need help setting up the graphs and entering the data in the app, and deciphering the category options since their relevance might not always be obvious. 

The teacher resource page has concise directions and full lesson plans for teachers who want more guidance. Lessons can easily be adapted for individuals, small groups, or the whole class. Teachers should know that there's a camera feature that allows students to upload photos (for the purpose of being made into icon buttons for the categories).

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Customizable research questions and a fun, simple design make data collection and analysis attainable for young students.


With teacher guidance, students learn through hands-on experimentation with data collection, graphical representation, and analysis.


Simple but thorough teacher guides help clearly demonstrate how to use the tool. There's less in-app help and guidance for students.

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