
Flexible study aid supports learning at home, at school, and on the go

Learning rating

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Based on 122 reviews

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Skills

College & Career Prep, Critical Thinking

Great for

Assessment, Formative Assessment

Price: Free to try
Platforms: Web

Pros: Works well for personal study sessions or game show-style competition.

Cons: User-generated content isn't always reliable or appropriate. Not as fun or flashy as competitors.

Bottom Line: This is a quality study tool that helps students learn and memorize facts, especially with a paid subscription.

If students need to memorize facts, Quizlet is an ideal tool that removes some of the drudgery while adding some handy features. Teachers can ask students to use Quizlet on their own time as homework or to create their own custom flash card sets for Quizlet Live competitions. They might also help students create flash card decks to share with the class.

Unlike with traditional flash cards, Quizlet could be a great study tool for subjects with a lot of visual or auditory content. Teachers can create detailed diagrams or add supporting photos to data sets using their own images or some from Quizlet's large pool of licensed Flickr photography. It's also super easy to attach a voice recording to a term or definition, which would be really useful in a language classroom. For students needing instructional support, Quizlet Explanations are step-by-step tutorials pulled from thousands of popular textbooks that teach specific math and science concepts. Students will likely love this feature, but, like with any homework help tool, they might use it for quick answers rather than to develop understanding. Teachers could incorporate some explanatory assessment to verify learning.

In addition to review, Quizlet Live is a great way to introduce new content. Because it requires students to collaborate with their teams to select the right answer, students can pool their collective knowledge to deduce the answers, or you can encourage them to do research as they play the game. As your students learn new information, push them to move toward higher-order thinking, using what they've learned from the flash cards to apply, analyze, question, and create.

Quizlet is a study tool based mostly on flash card- and quiz-style recall of facts. Users can create and then test themselves on study sets they create. They can also browse a database of millions of study sets created by other students, teachers, and corporate partners. Study sets include both text-based and visual study materials, and they can be copied and remixed. The range of topics covered on Quizlet is pretty comprehensive. For each study set, Quizlet offers up to seven study activities, including matching and fill-in-the-blank games and timed quizzes. Adaptive learning technology, called the Learning Assistant, helps students study more effectively by creating a personalized study path to improve content mastery. 

While students can browse for study materials from users around the world, many teachers make and share custom study sets just for their classes. Verified Creators such as curriculum publishers and educational institutions also offer content on Quizlet, including featured pay-as-you-go premium content. There are other great features for teachers, too, including Quizlet Live, a team-based quiz competition that turns study sets into a collaborative classroom quiz game. A Quizlet Teacher subscription offers student progress tracking and a variety of customization tools. For students, a subscription gets them access as well to Quizlet's Explanations library, where they can explore verified solutions to exercises in popular science, math, and language textbooks.

Quizlet is really easy to use and offers a blend of features that'll work for classroom facilitation and/or independent study. You can create flash cards quickly with suggested definitions and image files. As with real flash cards that you make or borrow from a friend, the quality can vary, but on the whole the public content is pretty good. Students don't need accounts to use Quizlet, but they can sign in with email or a Google account for a more complete experience. Quizlet also works on pretty much all devices, and it offers a variety of supports for English language learners (ELLs) and students with learning differences. For instance, you can click on a word or definition to hear it read aloud or attach voice recordings to flash cards (with a paid upgrade). Learners can also add images to definition cards or create custom diagrams with the paid upgrade. 

Quizlet Learn's AI technology takes data from millions of anonymous sessions and uses study techniques to generate an adaptive study plan to improve learning. If students use Learn in addition to the timed games, they'll likely stay engaged for longer than with traditional flash cards. Plus, students will enjoy competing for high scores in the timed study games and against classmates in Quizlet Live. At its core, Quizlet is for memorization, so its impact as a transformative learning tool is likely limited. It's also not quite as flashy or as fun as more play-driven competitors. But if you use Quizlet's many features thoughtfully, this is a worthy, flexible site to add to your teacher tool belt, and one students might find themselves connecting with as a study tool.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Makes the monotonous task of memorizing facts a bit more engaging through media, customized learning plans, and collaborative competition.


Students can take more ownership over their learning via the study modes and by custom content creation.  While it's not ideal for content delivery, it's still a good tool for improving fluency.


Audiovisual enhancements make this is an excellent support for learners of all abilities. The help center is very thorough. Explanations offers a step-by-step peek behind the logic of textbook exercises.

Common Sense reviewer
Melissa Powers
Melissa Powers School Library and Technology Specialist

Community Rating

User-friendly interface

The platform has a user-friendly interface that allows students to easily navigate and customize their learning experience.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users cannot interact with trusted users.
  • Users cannot interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
  • Profile information must be shared for social interactions.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Users retain ownership of their data.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is shared for third-party marketing.
  • Unclear whether this product displays traditional or contextual advertisements.
  • Personalised advertising is displayed.

Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.

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