Scribble Together Whiteboard

A collaborative whiteboard that leans into ease, speed

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Based on 11 reviews

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Subjects & Skills

Communication & Collaboration, Creativity

Great for


Price: Free, Paid
Platforms: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Web

Pros: Share across mobile devices and web. Get going instantly. Limited tools help collaborators focus.

Cons: Can't add video, audio, or links. Tools have limited tweaks. No zoom option.

Bottom Line: This basic collaborative whiteboard app is super simple to use for sharing ideas visually but doesn't offer anything extra.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

Scribble Together is a collaborative whiteboard tool for the web and iOS. Compared to some other interactive whiteboards, it has a limited number of tools (and options for those tools). That's not necessarily bad, though. The idea is to get in and start sketching and creating quickly and simply, a lot like Jamboard. Users can draw and erase, add text and images, and use a pointer tool. Whiteboards have some basic style options (e.g., a grid or dot-based sheet) and can be strung together in a series and then exported.

Teachers can use Scribble Together Whiteboard in a 1-to-1 classroom for brainstorming or group learning. Teachers can present a problem to solve, an issue to explore, or a discussion question and ask students to add their ideas. Or students can use the board to share ideas in small groups and then report back to the class. Include PDFs or photos of something to explore, and have students mark them up with ideas. Scribble Together Whiteboard could also be a helpful tool for remote learning. Draw out ideas, explain a math problem, underline a text, or highlight some part of an image. There's no audio, video, or recording option, and no embedded camera or linking, so teachers will likely want to use Scribble Together Whiteboard together with a video chatting app for remote learning. Be aware that the live sharing feature is available only with the paid subscription.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

There's nothing fancy, but it's intuitive and aesthetically pleasing. Sharing is easy and it emphasizes quick collaboration. Mobile versions will work best.


Supports frictionless visual sharing of ideas and collaboration. Creative use would get students to mark up PDFs and photos.


Easily access boards across platforms and view all boards in the home screen gallery. It has no teacher tools, guides, help, or other learning supports.

Community Rating

Liked, not Loved

One of the key benefits of Scribble Together is its ability to facilitate collaboration among team members. Users can work on a whiteboard together, regardless of their physical location, and share ideas and feedback in real-time. Also, what I really liked about this platform is that it has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. The platform offers a range of tools and features that allow users to create and edit content quickly and efficiently. There is a big benefit to using this tool if you are a teacher! This is that it can be used for a variety of applications, such as online teaching, remote working, and team collaboration. Its flexibility and versatility make it an ideal platform for organizations and individuals looking to improve their virtual collaboration and communication skills.

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