Showing 195 results in Videos

Social Media: Is Your Breaking News Broken?


The internet and social media give us tools to find out what’s happening almost instantly – sometimes even in real time. But how much can we trust the breaking news we see online? In this video, hear from two experts on the topic…

Civil Discourse Online


Students hear from Cameron Kasky, Parkland school shooting survivor and March for Our Lives activist, on what he learned about civil discourse online and how to foster common ground with others, even in disagreement.

When is the Right Age to Start Social Media?


Students consider that in the United States, children are required to be 13 to sign up for most social media platforms, and think about what age kids should be allowed to start using social media, in light of privacy and social d…

Super Digital Citizen (with ASL interpretation)


Students put themselves into the shoes of the Digital Citizen characters, who play superheroes that are able to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways.

Is the Internet Making You Meaner?


Students consider whether and how people might be meaner online than they in person, and explore what causes online disinhibition.

Teen Voices: Friendships and Boundaries


Students listen to other teens' thoughts and feelings about having and maintaining boundaries in friendships online, in a world of being constantly connected.

Teen Voices: Who Are You on Social Media?


Students hear teens reflect on how they decide to represent themselves in the digital world, reflecting on whether they represent the self they're aiming to be.

Teen Voices: Sexting, Relationships, and Risks


Students can hear other teens' honest -- and sometimes frank -- thoughts about the pressures and risks that come with sexting, then consider how they might react in similar situations.

Teen Voices: Oversharing and Your Digital Footprint


Students hear what other teens have to say about sharing on social media, then think critically about the decisions they're making any time they post something online about themselves or others.

Teen Voices: The Pressure to Stay Connected


Students hear what other teens have to say about how digital media has them feeling "hooked," then think critically about their own digital media use.

Teen Voices: Friendships and Social Media


Students hear what other teens have to say about using social media to connect with friends, consider the complications and distractions that can happen, and think critically about how social media affects their own relationships…

Huella Digital


​¿Sabes qué es la huella digital? Entender este concepto es escencialpara tener una presencia on-line positiva. Entérate en este video de Common Sense.

What's in Your Digital Footprint?


Students learn to think carefully before posting and sharing information by comparing their digital footprints to things such as a permanent marker, a copy machine, or a jumbotron at a stadium.

Teen Voices: Dealing with Digital Drama


Students hear what other teens have to say about meeting and talking to known and unknown people online, think about the types of information they're sharing about themselves, and consider strategies to keep their online friendsh…

Teen Voices: Who You're Talking to Online


Students hear from teens about the benefits and drawbacks of presenting themselves differently (or even anonymously) to others online, and consider what it means to "be yourself" in digital spaces.