Young student with a mask sitting behind a desk partition in a classroom

Reduce Student Anxiety (and Your Own) During Uncertain Times

March 8, 2023

Tips and resources for news literacy, media balance, and healthy communication.

Students using computers in a classroom

Screen Time in School: Finding the Right Balance for Your Classroom

March 8, 2022

Kids are on screens more than ever. How can we make classroom screen time more meaningful?

Three kids learning in an outdoor garden, looking at plants

Offline and Off-Screen Activities for Minds-On Learning

January 20, 2022

Take learning offline with activities that engage kids in a variety of ways.

Quick Dig Cit Activities for Middle and High School

Quick Digital Citizenship Activities for Middle and High School

July 30, 2020

Use these short, self-guided activities to create a positive culture around digital learning.

K-5 Quick Dig Cit Activities

Quick Digital Citizenship Activities for K–5

July 29, 2020

Use these short, self-guided digital citizenship activities and create a positive culture around digital learning.

Teacher in a tech-rich classroom

Teachers' Essential Guide to Teaching with Technology

November 26, 2019

How do I get the most out of using tech in the classroom?

family dinner without devices

3 Fun Ways to Teach Media Balance with #DeviceFreeDinner

November 14, 2019

Students can bring the learning home with these fun activities for classrooms and families.

teens looking at a phone together

How New Research on Kids and Media Can Inform Your Teaching

October 28, 2019

Learn key takeaways on student media use, and get helpful teaching resources.

Woman taking a selfie in front of an art exhibit.

Are Phones and Social Media a Distraction in Museums and Galleries?

September 5, 2019

Get students thinking about how social media affects their experiences.

teen on cellphone in the classroom

Creating a Cellphone Policy That Works for Everyone

September 18, 2018

Use this classroom activity to co-create norms and expectations with your students.